Sapphire Blue was the cutest girl I had ever seen. Not to mention her big natural tits that were just spilling over her green dress. She was on her way to the races, but I just had to stop and touch those bouncing jugs. Obviously, one thing lead to another and before we knew it, we were tribbing our tight wet pussies together, dripping cum all over my leather seats! Time was of the essence, since Miss Blue had plans, so I made sure she went on all fours on my bonnet, sitting on my face so I could lick and suck her clit.
When I met Danielle Rose, her student holiday wasn't going exactly as planned. Broke and lost in a foreign country, the beautiful blonde teen was just wandering on the street, trying to find her rented flat. She was so grateful for my offer to help, she couldn't stop thanking me. Like any proper lady would, she hesitated when I asked to see her pussy, but a little cash helped warm her up for a private peep show. Once she saw my big dick go hard, she couldn't help but shove her hands in my pants. We slipped into the backseat and I fucked her tight athletic bod until she had an orgasm, then I blew my load in her pussy, leaving her with a dripping creampie.
We have a whole lot of ass for you this week, juicy round and brown action. We have two smoking hot mammas waiting to show you what ass shaking is all about. They where not playing around , they came strapped with their booty shorts and their A game. They went straight for the hot tub and started getting naked and calling out for some dick to come join them. You dont want to miss these two hotties going neck to neck for some dick. Its all good though because these girls know how to share, super hot!
We have another hot ebony beauty waiting to show off the curves this week. She came in a smoking hot pink dress showing off her great legs and ass. Kat had another outfit she wanted her to put on for Clover who was coming by. She was all for it and changed right into it. Once Clover came over and saw her juicy ass hanging out it was on. You dont want to miss this gorgeous girl and her plump ass getting the ride of her life.